prAna mama: I got to try new clothes on! And you can too! WIN MY PRANA OUTFIT #MomsMeet #MMLovesprAna

So here’s the deal. I think the last time I bought myself new clothes, like respectable go out and be seen clothes, I didn’t have kids. So when Moms Meet offered me a chance to try and review prAna pants and tops for free? Well I’ve never hit reply so fast. Now these are new clothes for their fall line. I got to try on Kara Jeans in indigo and Gemma Sweater in Vintage Blue. Both in my fav colors. So excited! 


I got my clothes on a day when we were going out for dinner with my parents. Great timing by the way since I had just come home from the gym and looked the part. Normally it doesn’t phase me since I’m use to walking around with banana stuck some where on me. But since there was this super awesome package of super awesome new clothes waiting for me. I dolled up a bit. Of course I didn’t take pics since the kids had started falling apart wanting Mac and cheese (we were going out for Mexican) and my moms car was having issues. Two car seat changes and a dead car later, we were all jammed into our Ford Escape with none to be had.

I can tell you those jeans held their weight (and mine) great through the whole thing. The only thing I would be weary of is that prAna sells “low rise” jeans and thankfully the top I was wearing was long enough to cover my back side. But moms beware, be wearing your cute undies in these. Just in case.

Honestly the Gemma Sweater was great to! For some reason the restaurant was cranking the AC. But theGemma Sweater was warm enough to make me feel comfortable and the breathed like organic cotton, oh wait, it is organic cotton 60%. And so are the pants 70%. Super Eco bonus! I was happy when the top passed my comfy test in the sleeves. In any shirt worth it weight you must be able to push up the sleeve more than once and not have them fall down on you the rest of the night. I’ve yet to wash it and it still holds up. A+ in my book!

Major down side as a mom: special washing instructions. I know, I know. Nice clothes can’t just be washed with the grass stains. But come on. I just got to the point where everyone uses the same detergent. But I guess it’s like I tell Bear, you need to take care of your things. And it’s not the craziest I’ve seen. But be mindful when you’re washing them, ok?


I was able to get a few photos of myself around the house doing more normal stuff. I probably won’t wear these clothes daily since they are very nice and deserve better than banana stains. But they will be great for the next PT meeting and maybe even the elusive date night hubs and I keep talking about.


Checking under the couch test: Pass!

Ok so here’s the best part. PrAna will give you the same outfit I got! You just need to comment on this blog with your favorite reason to dress up a bit. Comment by Saturday September 19th to enter to win the same outfit I got! Want something different? No worries just got to and use this code for 15% off! MMLPWPWC

  • Valid for 15% off at
  • One-time use per customer
  • Not valid for Influencers, on Gift Certificates or with any other offers
  • Valid thru October 31, 2016

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#MomsMeet #MMLovesprAna

5 thoughts on “prAna mama: I got to try new clothes on! And you can too! WIN MY PRANA OUTFIT #MomsMeet #MMLovesprAna

  1. Brandy Wilson says:

    My favorite reason to dress up a bit is for a date night with my husband. We have kids and they don’t take well to babysitters, so it’s super rare. I love it, though. Otherwise, it’s just after a run and being showered. I somehow feel much skinnier and more confident then.


  2. Allison says:

    My favorite reason to dress up is so my daughter gets to see that I respect myself enough to do so. One ,”You look pretty mommy,” from her makes my week.


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