DIY: Bentonite Clay Mask for all Skin types

I LOVE making beauty products. I have since I was really young. I loved making soaps and scrubs. Anything that smelled good. As I got older I started to read more into what I was making and were I was getting my bases from. Let’s say the soap bars from Micheal’s aren’t my go to anymore. I realized I could make things with higher quality ingredients and get even better results. Total DUH moment for me. Continue reading

DIY: Solar Lamp

With summer right around the corner that days of hanging outside a bit later are upon us. We’re fortunate enough to have a nice yard to play in. But we lack any sort of outside lighting. And with no outdoor outlets, what’s a mom to do? Enter the Solar yard lamp. Easy enough to install, rechargeable and pretty low cost. As I was picking some up and saw some mason jars and thought of a fun summer craft.  Continue reading

Make your own Probiotic Deodorant and smell nice too!

This morning as I was being told by big Bear that I was taking to long in the shower (he’s 4 and I was in there for 15min) I realized I was out of my fav deodorant. Toms of Maine. Love that brand. They really work hard to put out good products that are really good for you. Continue reading